Sneak Peek: The JTR 3.0 update is coming!
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Tournament information
Venue: | ![]() |
Finnsjöstrand | |
Järnboås | |
Teams: | 19 / 19 |
Start: | 03.06.2017 10:00 h |
End: | 04.06.2017 16:00 h |
----English---- Welcome to Järnsvenskan 2017 (#Rubenstock) Hidden i the deep forests of Sweden lays the small town called Järnboås, where the heart of the Swedish jugger-community is located. With your help we can make it thrive even more! Between 3-4 of June Järnsvenskan is going of at Finnsjöstrand. Saturday is set for the pools and Sunday is for finals. There will be a lot more activity like live music, pomfen-battles, BBQ and much much more. There will be a small fee for the tournament this year to cover unexpected experiences, oh, I mean expenses. This fee will be on 25 Euro per team and can only be paid in advance. We will be updating this continuously throughout the spring with all the necessary information and happenings. ----Svenska---- Välkommen till Järnsvenskan 2017 Gömt långt in i de Svenska skogarna ligger en liten ort kallad Järnboås, där hjärtat av den Svenska jugger-gemenskapen finns. Med er hjälp kan vi få den att växa ännu mer! Mellan 3-4 Juni körs Järnsvenskan på Finnsjöstrand. Lördagen är avsatt för gruppspel och Söndagen är för finaler. Det kommer att hållas fler aktiviteter så som levande musik, pompå-mästerskap, BBQ och mycket mycket mer. Det kommer att vara en liten avgift för turneringen i år för att täcka oväntade upplevelser, oj, jag menar utgifter. Denna avgift kommer ligga på 250 kr per lag och kan enbart betalas i förväg. Vi kommer att uppdatera detta kontinuerligt under våren med all nödvändig information och händelser. ----Deutsch---- Willkommen zu Järnsvenskan 2017! Verborgen in den Tiefen der schwedischen Wälder liegt der beschauliche Ort Järnboås, das Herz der schwedischen Juggergemeinschaft. Mit euerer Hilfe können wir es noch stärker schlagen lassen! Am 3. und 4. Juni wird Järnsvenskan wieder bei Finnsjöstrand stattfinden. Der Samstag ist den Gruppenspielen vorbehalten, am Sonntag folgen die Platzierungsspiele. Viele weiter Aktivitäten sind geplant, darunter Livemusik, Pompfenmeisterschaften und und und — sowie, natürlich, grillen! Um unerwartete Ausgaben begleichen zu können, erheben wir eine Teilnahmegebühr von 25 Euro pro Team. Der Betrag muss im Voraus bezahlt werden. Wir aktualisieren diese Infos über den Frühling hinweg und halten euch über Happenings und die weitere Planung auf dem Laufenden! |
Team ranking: | 17 points |
Responsible for this entry: Rickhis |
Here is some last updates and practical information to all!
The informationdesk opens at 8.00 and every team should check in between 8.00 and 10.00.
Here you will get information about which pool your team will play in among other information. For those of you that have bought t-shirts, those will be picked up here. There is some extra t-shirts left so if you missed out on the opportunity to buy one, fear not you still got a chance for only 250 sek.
Here you will be able to sign in on a pompfen-tournament. As we are a little short on staff we hope that all the interested players will be able to administer this together.
If you have any kind of merch you will be able to hang them up or lay them out in the informationdesk, note that we donÂ’t take any responsibility for your merch and we will not handle any cashflow of any kind for your merch.
At 10.00 we will have an information speech on stage. We will set a small amount of time off here, for captains only, to discuss the rules. This is to make sure that every team use the same ruleset. So if your team have some questions or you are thinking of something, pass it to your captain and we will discuss it there.
The first matches starts at 11.00. Every match got a timeline of about 30 minutes. We hope that this will be upheld to the closest. So make sure that you got all your gear ready when itÂ’s your turn to play. For this convenience, we have also set out which matches each team will have referees on. This information will be found in the informationdesk or near every field.
The pools and lower bracket will be played on Saturday and all the final matches will be played on Sunday. As soon as the pool matches are finished we will announce who made it to the finals and who will be playing in the lower brackets.
==== FOOD AND DRINK ====
Between 12.00 to 16.00, both Saturday and Sunday, you will be able to buy hamburgers for 60 sek, Swedish fika and drinks for 10-15 sek (depending on chooses). We recommend that you bring some extra cash so you can get something in your belly along the tournament. You can pay with cash or with swish transfer.
If you decide to shop for your own food and want it to stay cold during the daytime there will be a fridge near the informationdesk that you can use for this, note that there will be a limited amount of room here, so think before you fill the fridge. There will also be a microwave and a kettle (water boiler) there for free usage. We will also have some grills ready for you too, later on the evenings.
Best regards
Hi all!
Here are the sizes and dimensions on the T-shirts. When you order your shirts we would like you to bunch as many payment as possible, the reason to this is because we get a fee for every transaction made.
The shirts costs € 25 and you will pay it to the same account as all other charges/fees, see below.
Latest date for t-shirt orders is April 20th. This is so we can get them in time for the tournament.
Here comes the IBAN and BiC
The bank-accountownership stands on:
Lindesbergs folketshus- och parkförening
A: Half chest
B: Body length
C: Sleeve length
XS - A: 47, B: 67, C 19
S - A: 50, B: 69, C 20
M - A: 53, B: 72, C 20
L - A: 56, B: 74, C 20
XL - A: 59, B: 76, C 21
XXL - A: 62, B: 78, C 21
XXXL - A: 65, B: 81, C 21
4XL - A: 70, B: 83, C 22
Q: When can we arrive?
A: You can come at Friday, 17.00 at the erliest.
Q: Will there be any sleeping arrangement there?
A: Short answer no. We are trying to get some tents as last year. But for now, pack your own tent.
Q: How do I get around without a car?
A: There will be loads of people that can help with rides. Otherwise here is the number to a taxi firm that drives in the area +4658710540
Q: Will there be any additional fees/charges?
A: The fees we take out are for shirts (optional) and for entering the tournament. We will not charge more than that. Though we will like to point out that you should bring cash so that you can shop for food and other necessary supplies along the days, so you can survive and have a pleasant stay.
Hope to see you all soon!
Hi everyone!
Here is some more info, some are just a formality and other is crucial. First of all we would like to point out that even though you have until 4th of april to pay your fee, we would like it as soon as possible together with your team logo. The sooner you pay, the sooner we can release the full schedule.
==== PAYMENT ====
The fee for the tournament is 25 € (euro). You can pay it to the bank-account that follows or to the bank-account in the previous newsletter. This fee is to be payed before 4th of april. If you don’t pay in before that, the spot will be offered to another team instead.
Here comes the IBAN and BiC
The bank-accountownership stands on:
Lindesbergs folketshus- och parkförening
==== LOGOS ====
Since we want to print T-Shirts like last year (colors might change), we would need your team logos for those.
Please send us a black and white version of your team logo, at least:
- Size ca 10cm wide at the shortest side (for example, 10x12cm or 10x15cm)
- PNG or TIFF: 300 dpi
- JPG: 600dpi, uncompressed
If there are very fine lines and details, we might not be able to guarantee 100% quality but we will do our best.
==== PICTURES ====
Pictures and videos taken at the festival might also be used by Svenska juggerförbundet and in connection with Jugger by Uvbo. This includes among others the display in printed media like Jugger posters, leaflets etc., at exhibitions, and publicly on the web, as in flickr, youtube or Svenska juggerförbundets website. By taking part in the tournament, you agree that those pictures and videos of you can be used free of charge as stated above and in the former newsletter.
Hello all!
We got some wonderful news today!
We are now expanding the team cap to 20 teams! That's right, so all the team that was on the wait list, up to 20, dose now have a safe spot in the tournament! WOHO!!
We are very happy for this and we hope that you are too! I will let you get on with the planning and we will see you in June!
Best regards
We are proud to present another year of Järnsvenskan. New for this year is that the festival will span over two days instead of one. Do we hear AWSOME or what!
Like the years before we will host Järnsvenskan at Finnsjöstrand. A rural community center located by a lake with big lawns surrounding it. At the site there is a sauna, barbecue, dancefloor, stage, and space for playing both boule and volleyball.
Tents make up the lodging and it is up to everyone participating to make sure they have a big enough space in a tent for sleeping. There are no showers on the site instead we make use of the lake.
Adress: Finnshyttan 320, 713 94 Nora
Coordinates: 59.646869, 14.899041
If you want to take a look at the place through pictures, discuss camping, transportation or anything really regarding the event. Do so on facebook:
The tournament fee is set to 250 kr (25 EURO) per team, this fee is to be payed the 4th of April 2017 at the latest. If the fee is not payed by then your spot will be offered to a team on the waiting list. Information regarding were to send the money is found under “Important information and things to pack”.
The tournament will be played according to the Swedish juggerrules put in affect by Sjufo (The Swedish Jugger association), these rules correspond in full with the German rules that you find through this link:
The tournament matches are judged by representatives from teams not active in play. Therefor we expect every team to contribute with at least two possible judges. These judges are expected to be well versed in the rules and also speak English as this is an international tournament.
As the years before there will be possible to buy T-shirts, these T-shirts will be sold at price of 250 kr (25 EURO) and you can only buy them in advance. To make these shirts as amazing as possible we ask you to send your team logo so it can be represented on the T-shirt. The logo is to be sent in the 4th of April 2017 at the latest.
To order t-shirts contact Lisa Karlsson regarding size. The order is finalized with payment marked with your name.
As organizers of this tournament we will like to point out a few important things regarding Swedish law as well as insurances.
We want to inform you that all substances labelled narcotics are illegal in Sweden. There are only three exceptions, alcohol, tobacco and caffeine.
Narcotics Act in English:
Narcotics Act in Swedish:
Alcohol Act in Swedish:
Pictures taken under the tournament will be used and published in different medias. Observe that you, with your participation in this tournament, agree to that you: give us (Studiefrämjandet, Juggerklubben Bergslagstollen) as organizers full right to publish pictures and video that you figure in. With this agreement you decline any right to further investigation or consent to the pictures. The agreement is valid for all pictures taken in connection with all activities in the program as well as everything concerning playing jugger. Of course this only applies were the organizer own the necessary copy write of the pictures or video.
As organizers we do our best to make sure that that pictures posted are not of the nature that it will damage the person in the picture or video. And we strongly discourage participants to privately publishing pictures figuring drunk or otherwise incapable people. This can seriously damage the person in the picture as well as putting yourself in an uncomfortable situation.
Observe that you need to check with your insurance company to make sure that you are covered if harm comes to you or if your action cause harm to someone or something else during the tournament. Be sure to have valid international insurance if an accident strike. With your participation you have taken part of this information and agreed that your insurance is your responsibility and not the organizers.
Observe that teams including one or more players under the age of 18 have the full responsibility of making sure that the underage participants play and travel with the consent of their guardians. If the guardian is not present in the tournament the responsibility of the welfare of the underage participant falls solely on the team which he/she belong to. In this we expect you to take care of any additional legal documents concerning minors. To make sure that they are safe. The organizers are not responsible for any players or visitors.
Dates to keep track of:
4th of April 2017 – Last day to pay the fee for the tournament.
20th of April 2017 – Last day to finalize orders of t-shirts.
4th of April 2017 – Last day to send in your team logo, this is to be made regardless of if your team members buys any T-shirts.
All costs and fees are to be paid to the following bank account:
Bergslagens Sparbank
8191-9,14 099 329-6
Tournament fee is to be marked with the team name. Payment for T-shirts are to be marked with your full name
As we have teams coming in with airplane, every extra pompfen is welcome. So if you have extra pomfens that you are willing to share with others and the possibility to bring them please do. Also make sure that you have plenty of food and water, one extra bottle is preferable since there is some distance to the closest store. Empty bottles works just fine as well since tap water is drinkable.
Rickhard Nilsén
Juggerklubben Bergslagstrollen:
Lisa Karlsson