
Austragungsort: Sverige Örebro
Brickebackens IP / Finnsjöstrand
Örebro / Järnboås
Startplätze: 15 / 24
Beginn: 05.07.2025 08:00 Uhr
Ende: 06.07.2025 18:00 Uhr
Järnsvenskan 2025

We are thrilled to announce the first details about Järnsvenskan 2025! This year’s tournament will once again take place at the beautiful Finnsjöstrand.

Get ready for a weekend full of action and community:

- Tournament Dates: July 5-6, 2025
- Preparations and Social Activities: July 4, 2025
- Location: Finnsjöstrand

Registration Information: Registration opens on January 20, 2025, at 09:00 Swedish time and closes on May 20, 2025. For the first two weeks (January 20 - February 3), priority will be given to the first team from each country. After this, registrations will be handled in order of submission, with a maximum of 24 teams allowed.

Team captains can register their teams (minimum of 5 players per team) by sending an email to jarnsvenskan@gmail.com or directly on JTR. Mercenaries are also welcome to sign up individually.

Costs: The tournament fee will be approximately 180-200 SEK per person, with payment details to follow. Please note that teams canceling after May 20, 2025, will not be eligible for a refund.

Facilities and Activities: We’ve got everything you need for a fantastic weekend:

- Plenty of camping space
- A lake for swimming
- Barbecue areas for relaxing evenings

Join us on Friday, July 4, for preparations and a chance to socialize. Most pompfen checks will be done on Friday, but there will be additional time on Saturday morning before the tournament briefing. Participants are welcome to stay at the venue until Monday, July 7, at 09:00.

Tournament Goals: Our aim is to create a friendly and engaging tournament where teams can face as many different opponents as possible. To minimize repeated matchups in group play, we’re considering format adjustments and would love to hear your suggestions!

We can’t wait to see you at Järnsvenskan 2025. Start preparing your teams and get ready for an unforgettable weekend!
Teamwertung: 15 Punkte
Verantwortlich für diesen Eintrag: jonas hagman


1. PRISM Deutschland Mixteam
2. Two Towers Lietuva Vilnius
3. Blackthorn Deutschland Düsseldorf
4. Likedeeler Deutschland Rostock
5. Quak Pack Deutschland Quakenbrück
6. SpVgg Rasenschach Deutschland Rethwisch
7. Juggernauts Deutschland Erlangen
8. Tribute Sverige Umeå
9. Punch Line Sverige Umeå
10. Peters Pawns Deutschland Oerlinghausen
11. Uppsala Ravens Sverige Uppsala
12. Gurkentruppe Deutschland Mixteam
13. Black River Eagles Sverige Örebro
14. Dracones Magyarország Budapest
15. Skøll Danmark København


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