
Austragungsort: Polska 61-653 Poznań
Winogrady 11
Wielkopolskie Towarzystwo Krzewienie Kultury Fizycznej
Startplätze: 7 / 8
Beginn: 23.03.2024 10:00 Uhr
Ende: 23.03.2024 18:00 Uhr
Formerly known as the OTJ (Ogólnopolski Turniej Juggera), now it's the MMPJ!

The tournament will be played according to the Polish Jugger Rulebook 2023 edition with some changes for the 2024 season. Most changes are minor, the biggest are:

1. Staff players will be allowed to perform thrusts
3. Chains are considered active as long as they are not tangled and being held by an active chain player
4. Feet will be considered valid hit zones
5. Q-tips will be allowed to be validly held with two hands holding the grip in any place along the length of the grip
6. Hard shell protection will be allowed only for knee protection
7. There will be no pin stone rule - as soon as a player counts down their entire penalty, and are not being pinned they can get up and go back into play

More details coming soon.
Teamwertung: 7 Punkte
Verantwortlich für diesen Eintrag: Jugger Rewolucja


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