Sneak Peek: Das JTR 3.0-Update kommt!
Schon jetzt könnt ihr den Wizard in der Beta-Phase testen. Dieses Tool erstellt aus euren Stichworten schnell und einfach detaillierte Turnierbeschreibungen. Jetzt testen und Feedback geben, um das Tool praxistauglich zu optimieren.
Wizard in der Beta-Phase
Austragungsort: | ![]() |
K Sadkam 158 | |
Titan Park | |
Startplätze: | 18 / 20 |
Beginn: | 21.05.2022 08:00 Uhr |
Ende: | 21.05.2022 19:00 Uhr |
== CZ / SK == Abychom trochu zvýšili (mezi)národní juggerovou morálku, rozhodli jsme se, že turnaj bude!! Shánejte své hráce do družstev a trénujte, už zase máte proc =) == EN == In order to boost the (inter)national jugger moral, we decided to make the tournament happen!! Get your players together and start training, now you have a reason again =) ORGANISATION DETAILS: The tournament remains one day tournament that will take place on Saturday May 21st from morning to evening. It is expected that each team will play 6 games. After matches, there will be a possibility to get food and drinks on site (a.k.a. party). Each team can have up to 10 players. The place where the tournament takes place is a big site used for obstacle runs. Plenty of grass and trees. There is a section dedicated to caravans/trailers. This means the site counts on people having their own toilet/shower/kitchen. There are a few on site, but not as many as there would be on a classical tent camping site. It is accessible by public transport from center of Prague in some 30 minutes. There is public transport going back to center even at night. The registration fee for the tournament is 13 Euro (330 CZK) per player. This includes some drinks and snacks during the tournament. Accommodation and drinks and food at the party are NOT included (the price for camping is not clear yet, but it is expected to be around 15 Euros per tent/van/trailer per night - we will provide more info later when we know how many people are interested). You can start sending the registration fee to our account. If you know the number of players coming, send the complete sum directly. If not, send the base amount for 5 players and you can send the rest later. We would prefer to receive all money electronically (no paying of registration fee on the tournament). The payment deadline (at least for the base amount) is 31. 3. 2022. |
Teamwertung: | 17 Punkte |
Verantwortlich für diesen Eintrag: hanz |
Hello everybody!!
We would like to thank all of you for taking part in our tournament and we hope you had loads of fun. We surely did =)
We would like to ask you to answer a few questions in order to help us improve the tournament even further. It would help us a lot for the future. You can find the feedback survey here:
Thank you very much and see you again soon!
jczOpen orgas
LETZTER STARTPLATZ FREI!! Hat jemand spontan Lust an unserem Turnier in Prag teilzunehmen? =)
== CZ / SK ==
Hmm, tak že to s tím týdenním náskokem pro ceské a slovenské týmy úplne nezafungovalo, tak meníme plán: ceské a slovenské týmy budou mít prednost, ale jinak už muže registrovat každý. Celkový pocet tým?uupravíme v prubehu brezna. Tak do toho!
== EN ==
Well, that did not work with the one week head start for Czech and Slovak teams... So change of plan: Czech and Slovak teams will have precedence and all teams can already register. We will sort out the final number of teams at some point in March. Let's go!
== CZ / SK ==
V pondelí 21.2. nám zacíná registrace a první týden je vyhrazen ceským a slovenským týmum, tak pojdte do toho! Mezinárodní týmy mohou zacít o týden pozdeji (28.2.).
== EN ==
On Monday February 21st the registration for our tournament starts, however, the first week is reserved for the czech and the slovak teams. The intarnational teams can start registering from Monday February 28th.