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Wizard in der Beta-Phase
Austragungsort: | ![]() |
65a Merrion rd, Ballsbridge | |
Wanderers Rugby Club | |
Startplätze: | 24 / 40 |
Beginn: | 04.08.2018 09:00 Uhr |
Ende: | 05.08.2018 17:00 Uhr |
The 2018 Irish Tournament will take place in Wanderers Rugby Club on the 4th and 5th August! It has been 2 years now since we have hosted the last international jugger tournament but the aim is still the same, that every player has FUN by playing jugger hard but fair with teams from all over the world! We will have a host of free events leading up to the tournament, during the tournament and the days after so that we can all enjoy each others company and get to know each other better. For the first time Colombia will send a team outside of South America and we will have 2 teams from Argentina attending the tournament as well. We can’t wait! Special Early Tournament Fee and the Tournament Fee There will be an ONLINE ONLY Special Early tournament fee of €12 with a few cent fee to the online provider. This fee will convert to the ONLINE ONLY tournament fee of €14 on June 4th. Payments will cease on August 1st. This tournament will ONLY ACCEPT ONLINE PAYMENT (NO PAYING ON THE DAY OF THE TOURNAMENT). This money will go towards food and water for each team as well as covering the costs of the grounds, insurance and the various other expenses. This strict online method is being introduced due to the extreme late dropouts of teams at the last Irish tournament which greatly impacted its management. Therefore, we hope that by doing this, it will take a little pressure off the organisers and make the tournament run smoother. Buying Tickets: Tickets can only be bought online with payment being made via PayPal. We are very sorry for any inconvenience this may cause. In order to confirm your team/players, you must buy tickets using the link below. Simply click on the ticket symbol on the page and select the correct ticket for yourself. You will need to fill out your name, email and status on whether you are attending as part of a team or as a merc. Also, if you are buying for multiple people, you will need to list the relative info for these people as well. Thank you. Accommodation : *For the international long haul juggers looking for housing for the tournament please fill out the web form below and we'll try and get you assigned a place. Europeans we're gonna try and house our friends from further away first and we will let you know if there is space left over. Looking forward to seeing you all! Unfortunately, we are not able to provide camping during this tournament. Apologies if this causes any inconvenience. For those who are travelling from outside of Europe, priority will be given to allow those people the option to stay with an Irish jugger for free. Once the accommodation for intercontinental travellers has been organised, this option will extend to all other travellers provided that there is space available. Please email us if you wish to know more info. If anyone is planning to book a hostel for their stay, it is important that they do so as soon as possible as they will fill up quickly. Hostels of Dublin Are you looking for a hostel well you should book them soon !!! Here are some of the best hostels on offer. Four Courts Hostel Avalon House Generator Hostel Tipperary House Jacob's Inn There are many more online as well. Catering : As in previous Irish tournaments there will be a BBQ on both days. This is food to buy. We are looking into providing one meal for each day for each player. More info will be emailed to all teams once we have it. We request that each team email us on the amount of players who would prefer burgers or a vegetarian option for their meal. There are also numerous shops and shopping centers within 5min walking distance of the tournament grounds for people who wish to bring their own food. The BBQ at the grounds will be open for both days and there will be a bar open as well. YOU ARE NOT ALLOWED TO BRING YOUR OWN ALCOHOL TO THE TOURNAMENT GROUNDS. How to get to the tournament? By bus from city centre: By train from city centre. Go to Tara Street station and get a train south bound to Sydney Parade and then follow this map: Thank you all and we look forward to seeing you over here :) |
Teamwertung: | 20 Punkte |
Verantwortlich für diesen Eintrag: Mark Hill |
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