Austragungsort: | 71394 Järnboås |
Finnsjöstrand | |
Järnboås | |
Startplätze: | 22 / 22 |
Beginn: | 01.06.2018 10:00 Uhr |
Ende: | 03.06.2018 17:00 Uhr |
Schedule and details: Facebook group +++Newsletter #3 is out. it is important (!) that everyone taking part in the tournament has received the information, since you have to agree to the terms to be able to take part in our tournament. This is mainly a formality due to the new GDPR rules. You can use the JTR's contact button above, or the form at +++ CONTACT ME Note that I tend to miss messages through Facebook messenger. Please contact me directly in case of questions. You can use the JTR's contact button above, or the form at Dreimal Wahnsinnige! /yours faithfully, the Uhu burning on full burst speed. |
Teamwertung: | 19 Punkte |
Verantwortlich für diesen Eintrag: Ein Uhu |
Please join our private facebook group about Järnsvenskan 2018:
Newsletter #3 is out in the wild. If you didn't receive it,
a.) if you have registerd your team here or are the contact person for your team: contact me.
b.) as a player, ask your team representative/contact.
c.) as a mercenary, contact me.
Due to the new GDPR rules, it is *important* that you know of, and agree to, the terms in the newsletter. (Nothing has changed really, but it is an imperative formality).
The team registration for Järnsvenskan 2018 is now closed. A newsletter is in preparation and will be sent soon.
E-mail about the team fees and list has been sent. If you didn't receive it, please get in touch. Thanks!
First "Alpha"-newsletter is out now. Please give me a call if you didn't get one.
If you register your team, please send me the contact e-mail address you also use at registration. I will need it
1. to adjust the slots when considering the reserved places and the queue,
2. to send even teams queuing up the newsletter.
the Uhu
Registration is open. Please register even if the tournament is overbooked, you will be placed in the queue.
Description updated, please read.
The date is set: 1-3 of June 2018. Matches 2-3 June, ca 10/11-4pm.