Sneak Peek: Das JTR 3.0-Update kommt!
Schon jetzt könnt ihr den Wizard in der Beta-Phase testen. Dieses Tool erstellt aus euren Stichworten schnell und einfach detaillierte Turnierbeschreibungen. Jetzt testen und Feedback geben, um das Tool praxistauglich zu optimieren.
Wizard in der Beta-Phase
Austragungsort: | ![]() |
Brickebackens IP / Finnsjöstrand | |
Örebro / Järnboås | |
Startplätze: | 10 / 12 |
Beginn: | 30.05.2015 15:00 Uhr |
Ende: | 31.05.2015 15:00 Uhr |
J Ä R N S V E N S K A N Sveriges första juggerturnering PLEASE READ ALSO THE INFOS => IN THE JUGGER WIKI. We will have a Jugger presentation at the 30th of maj 2015, at the Metallsvenskan festival again! You get a discount when you want to visit teh festival itself as well. Contact Ein Uhu for details. To participate in the Jugger presentation is of course free. More details follow. For now: :: T I C K E T S FESTIVAL Please wait booking festival tickets. We are speaking with the organizer to get a discount. Those only takling part in the presentation will have free entry shortly before it starts. Just for a rough orientation, the discount tickets have been at 495 Kronor (ca. 52 Euro ) this year for the whole week-end. Let's see whether we get a better discount. CAMPING Gustavsvik Camping**** offers a special discount for festival guests fr-so, both nights for 265:- kr alltogether, so say if you are attending the festival when you book. Booking through One great thing: Entrance fee to the really stunning tropical pool area is included! It might be possible to get private accomodation through our Örebro juggers. Contact Ein Uhu if you are interested. Note that you can camp for one night in the same place almost everywhere in the country where there are no houses. I recommend to look out for "Badplats" for these are usually bathing places with fireplace, simple toilets and table, right at wonderful lakes. GETTING THERE and AWAY Easiest way is going by car. A train runs regularly to Stockholm and Mjölby. We will do a shuttle for those without cars on sunday, to get them from Örebro to Järnboås. From Järnboås there is a bus line two times a day to Nora, from where regular busses depart to Örebro. :: E V E N T PRESENTATION: Details & confirmation follow. TOURNAMENT: Sunday, 31. mai, 12:00, Finnsjöstrand Järnboås Costs: The tournament is free. Participants in the Jugger presentation will be on the guest list for saturday. A tip would of course be very welcome to support our expenses. Rules: Our rules are mainly the same as the German (and Irish) ones, with Irish double. Pompfen/spars: Please bring your own gear if possible. But fear not: We do have enough spare Pompfen to lend you, so no problem if it isn't possible! Pompfencheck: All spar types that are allowed in Germany are allowed with us as well (the 5 basic types). The spars will be checked by Uhu and some helpers. We will execise a good measured tolerance regarding the build, we will not run around with millimeter measures. Any safety issues will be taken seriously, though. Padding must suffice and the spar has to be overall okay, the Pompfe has not to be excessively heavy and so forth. Bamboo has to be coverd by layers of tape around it or a plastic tube. Referees: The main focus of the referees should be regarding unfelt/misjudged hits, (in-) valid qwik point placement etc. and moderating. Generally, the teams have the first word and if they can't aggree, then the referees will reach a decision. Players are responsible for a good game themselves, not referees. Food&drink: The tournament is free so please take care of sufficient food&drink for your team. We should knock up some coffee and cake. Both festival and camping is located in Örebro so shopping should not be a problem. There is a small shop in Järnboås, but closed on sundays. Alcohol: To drink alcohol in public is prohibited in Sweden. There are own pub areas on the festival grounds but it costs, dear, it costs ... Furthermore, it has not been and should not be a problem where you stay overnight, not to put too a fine point to it. No alcohol at the tournament of course, we are hitting each other with clubs you know. Shirts and patches: On a side note, I will do both a shirt and a patch for this year's Metallsvenskan. The shirt will resemble the one of 2014 but with the updated teams. I will see to it that we get reasonable prices again, with a little plus to support Swedish Jugger. Fotos: By taking part in the tournament you give your consent that it is fine with you to use, distribute, save and edit photos that are taken of you during the tournament in connection with Jugger (of course no morally offensive pictures). If you disaggree, please note that to the tournament organizers in advance, before the tournament begins. In German: Die Jugger von 2013 und 2014 werden bestätigen können, daß auf dem Zeltplatz lustiges Metalvolk abhängt. Wieder gibt es Sonderpreise für die Übernachtungen während dem Festival, inklusive freien Eintritt in das "Badeparadies" (und das ist schon schön groß mit Rutschen aller Art, Palmen, Whirlpools, Saunen ...). Bitte bringt eigene Pompfen mit. Wenn das wegen Platz nicht geht, können wir aber gern welche stellen! Ansonsten könnt Ihr Euch an der Beschreibung von 2013 orientieren (außer Preise und Vorführung): Also auf gehts, Boote klarmachen und rüberkommen! Jugger forum thread: Facebook event: |
Teamwertung: | 10 Punkte |
Verantwortlich für diesen Eintrag: Ein Uhu |
Die Ergebnisse für Järnsvenskan 2015 in Schweden sind eingetragen:
Team registration is closed!
It might still be possible to play in other teams or in the mixteam. See thread for more:
Teilnehmerzahl auf 14 erhöht ... aber bitte schnellstmöglich registrieren.
The name of the tournament has been changed to get a permanent one. It reflects its roots by mixing Järnboås and Metallsvenskan. Lots of Järn in the area (even in the lakes, just hold your hand under water and watch it go red)!
All should have received an e-mail with further details. Please contact me if you didn't receive one.
Important update on the tournament. if you haven't received a message, please contact me asap. Thanks!
News from the camping place: Those who visit the festival get a discount for the festival days at Gustavsvik, INCLUDING free entry to the fantastic tropical pool area.
Cost is about 265 kr for two nights (fr-so)