España Alicante - Desertores

Datum Turnier Platz ZF % TW
02.05.2014 I Spring Cup España Valencia 6 / 24 0.32% 24% 0.012
18.07.2014 International Tournament of Spain: V Summer Cup España Valencia 16 / 38 0.32% 22% 0.009
19.07.2013 National Tournament of Spain España Valencia 18 / 32 0.18% 20% 0.004
09.02.2013 1. Winter Cup España Murcia 25 / 26 0.13% 18% 00000
17.07.2015 International Tournament of Spain: VI Summer Cup España Valencia 37 / 37 0.56% 16% 00000
ZF = Zeitfaktor
TW = Turnierwertung


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