Private data

What purposes do we pursue with the processing of your private data? The private data of players, organizers and teams are used exclusively for the administration of tournaments and leagues. The data of registered teams is accessible to the respective organizers. Players and teams also have access to the organizers´ contact details. Under no circumstances will this data be passed on to third parties.

Tournament administration

Tournament organizers undertake to use the data of players and teams exclusively for the purposes of tournament administration, as specified in the "Private data" section. They are also obliged to enter the results of the tournaments correctly and without errors in the JTR. This entry of results is a mandatory requirement. Any kind of falsification of results is strictly prohibited.

Tournament participation

By registering for a tournament administered by the JTR, the user agrees to the publication of his/her data in accordance with the provisions in the "Private data" section and releases it for statistical processing purposes.

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