Tournament information

Venue: Sverige Örebro
Sommarrovägen 1
Brickebackens IP / Gustavsvik Camping
Teams: 4 / -
Start: 24.05.2014 11:00 h
End: 25.05.2014 18:00 h
The first Jugger tournament in Sweden – international from the start!

To the Facebook event

After the great success in the last year, Uvbo i Bergslagen and Svenska Juggerförbundet are presenting the Fast & Furious Jugger Presentation at the Metallsvenskan Metal festival again.
On the next day, Järnboås Järnfalkar and Evil Eye Örebro are organizing the first tournament in the homelands of the vikings.

Locations & dates:
Friday, 23. mai, 17:40-00:??
Brickepackens IP
Enjoy Heavy Metal in the heart of Sweden. With legends like Kreator and Saxon.
Timetable bands

Saturday, 24. mai, ca 14:00
Brickepackens IP
We present Jugger to the Swedish metal folk. A quick presentation and game like last year. Swedish and mixed teams and Wild Geese Irland.
Enjoy Helloween and a fantastic and very famous other Heavy Metal band after the match!

Sunday, 25. mai, 13:00
Gustavsvik Camping
Google maps
The first international Jugger tournament starts! We are confident that we will have more than two teams from Sweden, plus our international guests.
The tournament is located on the grass fields of the campground Gustavsvik, close to two lakes, and with the big Tropical Indoor Pool hall in the neighbourhood (free entry for camping guests).

The tournament is free.
Participants in the Jugger presentation will be on the guest list for saturday.

Gustavsvik Camping offers a special discount for festival guests fr-sa and sa-so, so say that when you book. Entrance fee to the tropical pool area is included.
Evil Eye players offer private accomodation at their homes for a certain number of players. Contact them (through us or facebook) if you wish to learn more.

The tournament is free so please take care of sufficient food&drink for your team. We hope to knock up some coffee and cake. Both festival and camping is located in Örebro so shopping should not be a problem.

By taking part in the tournament you give your consent that it is fine with you to use, distribute, save and edit photos that are taken of you during the tournament in connection with Jugger (of course no morally offensive pictures).
If you disaggree, please note that to the tournament organizers in advance, before the tournament begins.

In German:
Die Jugger von 2013 werden bestätigen können, daß auf dem Zeltplatz lustiges Metalvolk abhängt.
Wieder gibt es Sonderpreise für die Übernahctungen während dem Festival, inklusive freien Eintritt in das "Badeparadies" (und das ist schon schön groß mit Rutschen aller Art, Palmen, Whirlpools, Saunen ...).

Also auf gehts, Boote klarmachen und rüberkommen!
Team ranking: 4 points
Responsible for this entry: Ein Uhu



A formal note on Phototaking:
By taking part in the tournament you give your consent that it is fine with you to use, distribute, save and edit photos that are taken of you during the tournament in connection with Jugger (of course no morally offensive pictures).
If you disaggree, please note that to the tournament organizers in advance, before the tournament begins.


Times for presentation and tournament:
Presentation (at the festival): Sat 14 o'clock
Tournament (at Gustavsvik Camping): Sun 13 o'clock


Zeiten und Orte für die Juggervorführung sowie das Turnier wurden aktualisiert. Facebook-Event:


Details on Metallsvenskan Jugger Turnering:
Locations & dates:
Friday, 23. mai, 17:40-00:??
Brickepackens IP
Enjoy Heavy Metal in the heart of Sweden. With legends like Kreator and Saxon.
Timetable bands

Saturday, 24. mai, ca 14:00
Brickepackens IP
We present Jugger to the Swedish metal folk. A quick presentation and game like last year. Swedish and mixed teams and Wild Geese Irland.

Sunday, 25. mai, 11:00
Gustavsvik Camping
The first international Jugger tournament starts! We are confident that we will have more than two teams from Sweden, plus our inetrnational guests.
The tournament is located on the grass fields of the campground Gustavsvik, close to two lakes, and with the big Tropical Indoor Pool hall in the neighbourhood (free entry for camping guests).

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